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Sonst. PersonenBadran, Adnan (Hrsg.); Baydoun, Elias (Hrsg.); Hillman, John R. (Hrsg.)
TitelHigher Education in the Arab World.
Building a Culture of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. 1st ed. 2020.
QuelleCham: Springer International Publishing (2020), VI, 385 S.
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BeigabenIllustrationen 87; farbige Illustrationen 64
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-3-030-37833-2; 978-3-030-37834-9; 978-3-030-37835-6; 978-3-030-37836-3
SchlagwörterKultur; Management; Hochschulbildung; Hochschulsystem; Erwachsenenbildung; Managementausbildung; Lebenslanges Lernen; Innovation; Leitung; Unternehmungsgeist; Mittlerer Osten
AbstractThis book is the first major account of innovation and entrepreneurship in the Arab higher-education sector. It provides an update of the current situation and advances reasons for the under-performance of Arab universities in international ranking tables and the weaknesses of Arab economies. Specific proposals are made for upgrading curricula and assessment procedures as well as providing an environment that fosters innovation and entrepreneurial behaviour. The roles of university-based technology and business parks are examined, with examples of successful business partnerships in the Arab region, Europe, and North America. Opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship have never been greater with the wealth of rapidly developing transformative technologies that are driving the international knowledge economy. This book pubs forward proposals for the management and exploitation of intellectual property, and for establishing businesses. Contents: FOREWORD -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship in Academia: An Overview -- 3. Can Universities in the Arab Region Become the Engines for Knowledge and Innovation? -- 4. An Overview of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Arab Higher Education -- 5. We Need to Graduate Inventors and not Job Seekers -- 6. Building a Culture of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Universities -- 7. The Role of University-Industry Partnerships in the Development of Science Parks -- 8. Imperatives to a Successful Technology Transfer Model; A Perspective from the Arab World -- 9. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education: Enhancing Achievement of SDGs -- 10. Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Arab World -- 11. Turnitin: Building an Academic Integrity against Plagiarism. 12. Building the Entrepreneurial Mindset through Experiential Learning -- 13. Building a Culture of Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Addressing Affective and Psychomotor Development in the Arab World's Higher Education -- 14. A Perspective on Entrepreneurship in Graduate Education -- 15. Strategies for Incorporation of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Graduate and Undergraduate Programs in Arab Universities -- 16. The Role of Faculty members in Building a Culture of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education: The Case of the Australian College of Kuwait -- 17. Commercializing Innovation from the Region to the World: The Role of Berytech -- 18. A Culture of Innovation and an Entrepreneur's Journey in the Agriculture and Food Sciences Educational and Research Programs -- 19. R&D Challenges and Opportunities in the Arab World, the Case of Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) -- 20. Innovations in Creating Incentives for Academic Achievement and Growth: Developing a Model at the Faculty of Medicine of the American University of Beirut (1999-2009).
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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