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Sonst. PersonenGiri, Ram Ashish (Hrsg.); Sharma, Anamika (Hrsg.); D'Angelo, James (Hrsg.)
TitelFunctional Variations in English.
Theoretical Considerations and Practical Challenges. 1st ed. 2020.
QuelleCham: Springer International Publishing (2020), XXXI, 340 S.
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ReiheMultilingual Education. 37
BeigabenIllustrationen 31; farbige Illustrationen 18
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-3-030-52224-7; 978-3-030-52225-4; 978-3-030-52226-1; 978-3-030-52227-8
SchlagwörterBildung; Angewandte Linguistik; Sprache; Studium
AbstractThis volume is a compilation of 21 distinguished chapters, an Introduction, and an Afterword with a thematic focus on the functional variations of English in non-native contexts. Highly acclaimed scholars in the field of (applied) linguistics, bringing their expertise from the core areas of general linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, educational linguistics, and stylistics, address the ways in which English language varies in different contexts. The contributions carefully examine the variations, the complexities and the concerns arising thereof, and explore the resultant pedagogical implications. The volume, in this respect, contributes to an informed process for policy decisions, curriculum design, material development, and most importantly classroom practices based on the ability, feasibility and desirability of English for the users, as a step towards nurturing globally-minded, globally-competent, and globally-functioning individuals. Taking the deliberations through and beyond Kachru's world Englishes model of three circles, this book is an attempt to: See what the users of English 'do' or 'do not do' with the language, rather than 'where' they come from Create a flexible mindset to enable acceptance and respect for linguistic variations in English usage Promote practical abilities for language and 'communication management' Facilitate informed pedagogical practices based on global realities. Contents: Dedication -- Foreword by R. Gargesh -- Introduction by N. Honna -- Approaching the Theory and Practice of Functional Variation of English by A. Sharma, J. D' Angelo and R. A. Giri -- Part I: General Perspectives on Functional Variations -- Modernity, Globalization and Asian Englishes by K. Bolton -- Negotiating Polysemy and Norms of English in Translation for a "Globalized" Readership by T. Bagchi -- Emergency! Do we still have to Speak English?: English as a Lingua Franca for Aviation by M. Oda -- How Do Co-occurring Speech and Gestures Relate to Thinking and Expressing Meaning in a Dyadic Face-to-Face ELF Interaction? By H. Hanamoto -- Exploring Functional Variations of Cultural Semiotics in Ha Jin's Facing Shadows by Z. Xu -- Authority and Authenticity in Media Englishes and the Englishes of Popular Culture by A. Moody -- Part II: The Outer Circle Perspective -- Indian English in lesser-known ecologies: Afghanistan, Maldives and Uganda by C. Meierkord -- English in Pakistan: Past, Present and Future by T. Rahman -- Variations of English Language Use on Facebook by Users from Different Linguistic Background by O.O. Pauline -- Part III: The Expanding Circle Perspective -- Where English is Headed in South America - a Speculative Glimpse by K. Rajagopalan -- Shift of Functions of the English Language in the Context of today's Russia by Z. G. Proshina -- Semiotics, Indexicality, and English in Indonesia by L. Zentz -- Conflicting Interests: English Language Status, Function and Challenges in Oman by F. Hasan and R. Sahai -- Functions of English in South Korean Sociolinguistic Domains: An Overview by H. Ahn and L. Seongyoung -- English Language Program for Seniors: Motivational Constructs and Teaching Strategies by J. Lee -- Part IV: Pedagogical Implications -- Teaching English as a Dynamic Language: Applying Studies of Language Variation to Education by A. Mahboob -- Changing Language, Continuing Discourse: A Shift toward ELF and Persistent Native-speakerism in Japan's ELT Policy by S. Shiroza -- CLIL Pedagogy for EIL in higher education by N. Hino and S. Oda -- Reflections on Teaching and Learning of English in India by P. Mohanty -- English as Medium of Instruction (EMI) Policy in Nepal: Ideologies, functionality and Practicality by P. Phyak and B. K. Sharma -- Afterword by D. Davis.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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