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Sonst. PersonenAmaral, Alberto (Hrsg.); Bernasconi, Andres (Hrsg.); Magalhaes, António (Hrsg.); Kehm, Barbara M. (Hrsg.); Stensaker, Bjorn (Hrsg.); Choi, Edward (Hrsg.); Balbachevsky, Elizabeth (Hrsg.); Hunter, Fiona (Hrsg.); Goastellec, Gaele (Hrsg.); Mohamedbhai, Goolam (Hrsg.); Wit, Hans de (Hrsg.); Valimaa, Jussi (Hrsg.); Rumbley, Laura (Hrsg.); Unangst, Lisa (Hrsg.); Klemencic, Manja (Hrsg.); Langa, Patricio (Hrsg.); Yang, Rui (Hrsg.); Nokkala, Terhi (Hrsg.)
TitelEncyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions.
1st ed. 2020.
QuelleDordrecht: Springer Netherlands (2020), iii, 2767 S.
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BeigabenIllustrationen 319
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-94-017-8904-2; 978-94-017-8905-9
SchlagwörterVergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft; Bildungssystem; Bildungspolitik; Internationale Erziehung; Hochschulbildung; Hochschulsystem
AbstractThis authoritative reference source covers all higher education themes in a comprehensive, accessible and comparative way. It maps the field for the twenty first century reflecting the massive changes that have occurred and the challenges ahead for future research. It provides a rich diversity of scholarly perspectives and covers the entire spectrum of higher education from a geographical, a topical and disciplinary perspective. It is unrivaled in its capacity to go beyond national boundaries and provides indispensible comparative analyses. The major reference works available about higher education have been published more than two decades ago and since then higher education has undergone major changes that have resulted in a much larger, diverse, global, and multidimensional reality. One of the main trends has been relentless expansion on a worldwide scale. This has led to mass higher education becoming a reality across continents, substantial growth in the number of countries with universal access to higher education, and great diversification of the student body. The tremendous increase in the international links in higher education, through issues such as training, students' mobility, staff mobility, research activities, is another major change. The consequence is a global dimension that is strongly associated with the intensification of international networks in which institutions and researchers explore, create and share knowledge. As a result of the changes and trends, higher education has increasingly become part of debates that highlight its complexity as an institution that combines relevant political, social, economic, and cultural purposes and dimensions. Asked to play important and varied economic and social roles, higher education has had to reshape its priorities, and organizational and decision-making structures. The growth and increased complexity of the field have both led to more attention being paid to all aspects of higher education and to the expansion of research. Contents: Part 1: Thematic entries, about 7 section editors, neither of them have been approached at this stage -- Elite and Mass Higher Education in the 21st Century - possible names: John Brennan, Svein Kyvik -- Higher Education as a Global Reality - David Baker, Simon Marginson, Steve Heyneman -- The State and Higher Education - Michael Bastedo, Gary Rhoades -- The Political Economy of Higher Education - Geraint Johnes, Robert Toutkoushian -- Higher Education as a Multidimensional Institution - Jussi Valimaa, Glen Jones -- Higher Education as a Complex Organization - Bjorn Stensaker, Jeroen Huisman, Lynn Meek -- Higher Education as a Research Field - Christine Musselin, Jussi Valimaa -- Part 2: Country entries, 4 section editors; neither of them have been approached at this stage -- Western Countries: Any of the names mentioned above that we do not select for thematic sections (Jeroen Huisman, Bjorn Stensaker, Jussi Valima, etc) or alternatively Stephen P. Heyneman (USA) -- Asia and Pacific: Molly Lee (Malaysia) -- Latin-America: Elisabeth Balbachevsky (Brazil), Monica Marquina (Argentina), Jorge Balán -- Arab and North Africa: Abdulrahman Abouammoh (Saudi Arabia) -- Sub-Saharan Africa: Reitumetse Mabokela (Michigan State U), Kuzvinetsa P. Dzvimbo (Editor of African Education Review).
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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