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Autor/inLi, Jian
TitelComprehensive Global Competence for World-Class Universities in China.
Context, Concept, Model and Evaluation. 1st ed. 2020.
QuelleSingapore: Springer Singapore (2020), XVI, 155 S.
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ReihePerspectives on Rethinking and Reforming Education
BeigabenIllustrationen 11; farbige Illustrationen 8
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-981-15-1639-9; 978-981-15-1640-5; 978-981-15-1641-2; 978-981-15-1642-9
SchlagwörterVergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft; Bildungsmanagement; Schule; Schulverwaltung; Internationale Erziehung; Hochschulbildung; Hochschulsystem
AbstractThis book proposes the new concept of "comprehensive global competence" in order to explore how to advocate, cultivate, and implement global competence at China's higher education institutions. The concept essentially refers to an organizational, cross-cultural capacity involving students, faculty members, administrators, and staff in a multidimensional learning domain that values, shapes, and promotes global competitiveness at higher education institutions. Unlike the other literature available, which has largely approached defining global competence it from four perspectives: an adaptation-change mode, an input-output mode, a willingness-tolerance mode, and a learning-competence mode, this book draws on the theoretical framework put forward in "Dimensions of Learning" (Marzano, 1992) in order to explain the meaning, implications, and justification of the concept of comprehensive global competence. Specifically, Marzano's Dimensions of Learning Model offers a comprehensive research-oriented framework on learning cognition and the learning process. With the help of this resource, the book discusses in detail the conceptual, practical, and strategic aspects of creating comprehensive global competence. Contents: Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Part 1 Conceptualizing Comprehensive Global Competence -- Chapter 1 The Conception of Comprehensive Global Competence -- Chapter 2 Comprehensive Global Competence for Student -- Chapter 3 Comprehensive Global Competence for Faculty -- Part 2 Practical Framework of Comprehensive Global Competence -- Chapter 4 Mapping Global Comprehensive Global Competence Concept -- Chapter 5 -- Constructing Comprehensive Global Competence of Higher Education Practice -- Chapter 6 Comprehensive Global Competence of Higher Education Practice -- Chapter 7 Constructing Comprehensive Global Competence of Higher Education Strategy -- Chapter 8 Trends and Implications of Comprehensive Global Competence of Higher Education Reform -- Chapter 9 Issues and Strategy of Constructing Comprehensive Global Competence at World-Class Universities -- Part 3 Conceptualizing Comprehensive Global Competence Model : Interviews of Chinese Experts -- Chapter 10 Conceptualizing Comprehensive Global Competence Model: Interviews with Experts.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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