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Autor/inXiong, Weiyan
TitelEthnic Minority-Serving Institutions.
Higher Education Case Studies from the United States and China. 1st ed. 2020.
QuelleCham: Springer International Publishing (2020), XXIII, 180 S.
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ReiheInternational and Development Education
BeigabenIllustrationen 5
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-3-030-55791-1; 978-3-030-55792-8; 978-3-030-55793-5; 978-3-030-55794-2
SchlagwörterVergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft; Bildungssoziologie; Internationale Erziehung; Hochschulbildung; Hochschulsystem
AbstractThis book presents a comparative study of the history and development of indigenous and ethnic higher education in the US and China. The author focuses on institutions serving American Indians and Alaska Natives (AIANs) and Chinese Ethnic Minorities (CEMs), such as Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) in the US and Ethnic Minority Serving Institutions (EMSIs) in China. Chapters center voices within indigenous and ethnic education, including experts, senior administrators, and faculty members as well as AIAN tribal leaders and activists. These voices enrich the study and provide context to explore the issues and challenges surrounding ethnic and minority-serving higher education institutions today. Finally, the author addresses strategies and practices for the future which will better serve AIAN and CEM students and communities. Contents: 1. Introduction -- 2. American Indians and Alaska Natives and Chinese Ethnic Minorities: Demographics and Higher Education -- 3. American Indian and Alaska Native and Chinese Ethnic Minority Higher Education: Evolution, Characteristics, and Challenges -- 4. Research Design -- 5. Roles in Support of Indigenous/Ethnic Minority Peoples -- 6. Facilitating Factors in Serving Indigenous/Ethnic Minority Peoples -- 7. Challenges in Serving Indigenous/Ethnic Minority Peoples -- 8. Meeting Challenges: Highlights of Strategies and Practices in Serving Indigenous/Ethnic Minority Peoples -- 9. Into the Future: Better Development -- 10. Discussion: A Comparative Analysis -- 11. Conclusion and Recommendations.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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