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Autor/inXu, Xiaozhou
TitelIntroduction to Entrepreneurship.
Methodologies and Practices. 1st ed. 2020.
QuelleSingapore: Springer Singapore (2020), XIII, 260 S.
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ReiheSpringer Texts in Education
BeigabenIllustrationen 42; farbige Illustrationen 28
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-981-15-1838-6; 978-981-15-1839-3; 978-981-15-1840-9
SchlagwörterBildungsmanagement; Schule; Schulverwaltung; Management; Ausbildung; Berufsausbildung; Berufsbildung; Managementausbildung
AbstractThis textbook helps readers increase their entrepreneurial knowledge, improve their competences, and expand their entrepreneurial thinking. The book consists of nine chapters: Expand Entrepreneurial Vision, Improve Entrepreneurial Quality, Prepare for Entrepreneurship Education, Identify Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Build An Entrepreneurship Team, Compose the Business Plan, Planing Entrepreneurial Strategy, Avoid Entrepreneurial Risks, and Optimize Entrepreneurial resources. It allows readers new to the area to gain an understanding of entrepreneurship and provides a solid basis for starting a business in the future. Each chapter includes learning objectives and "leads" at the beginning and ends with review and "think and discuss" sections. Contents: Chapter 1 Expand Entrepreneurial Vision -- Chapter 2 Improve Entrepreneurial Quality -- Chapter 3 Prepare for Entrepreneurship Education -- Chapter 4 Identify Entrepreneurial Opportunities -- Chapter 5 Build An Entrepreneurship Team -- Chapter 6 Compose the Business Plan -- Chapter 7 Planing Entrepreneurial Strategy -- Chapter 8 Avoid Entrepreneurial Risks -- Chapter 9 Optimize Entrepreneurial resources.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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