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Sonst. PersonenBut, Juanita C. (Hrsg.)
TitelTeaching College-Level Disciplinary Literacy.
Strategies and Practices in STEM and Professional Studies. 1st ed. 2020.
QuelleCham: Springer International Publishing (2020), XXIII, 232 S.
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BeigabenIllustrationen 22; farbige Illustrationen 12
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-3-030-39803-3; 978-3-030-39804-0; 978-3-030-39805-7; 978-3-030-39806-4
SchlagwörterKritisches Denken; Sprache; Sprachunterricht; Schreib- und Lesefähigkeit; Schreibfertigkeit; Ausbildung; Berufsausbildung; Berufsbildung; Hochschulbildung; Studium; Studientechnik; Hochschulsystem; Alphabetisierung
AbstractThis volume foregrounds the disciplinary literacy approach to college teaching and learning with in-depth discussions of theory and research, as well as extensive classroom illustrations. Built upon the current work of READ (Reading Effectively Across the Disciplines), a disciplinary literacy program at New York City College of Technology, it presents a broad collection of methodologies, strategies, and best practices with discipline-specific considerations. It offers an overview of the program in relation to evidence-based research and practices in college disciplinary learning, describing how the unique model of the program addresses the literacy needs of students in STEM and professional studies. Chapter authors, including administrators, literacy specialists, and content experts discuss the program design, professional development, and assessments in READ. They also outline discipline-specific practices to foster disciplinary literacy pedagogy and college success in five content areas, including Accounting, Architecture, Biology, Electromechanical Engineering, and Mathematics. Contents: 1. READ: A Strategy-Based Approach to Developing Disciplinary Literacy -- 2. Professional Development: Disciplinary Literacy Instruction -- 3. Assessment: A Tool for Improving Disciplinary Learning -- 4. Literacy Strategies and Instructional Modalities in Introductory Accounting -- 5. Teaching a Broad Discipline: The Critical Role of Text Based Learning in an Architectural Education -- 6. Biology in Biology: Enhancing Science Education with Creative Writing -- 7. Engineering Technology: Engaging Disciplinary Thinking and Doing -- 8. Mathematical Literacy and Critical Thinking.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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