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Ariadne Pfad:


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Sonst. PersonenWhong, Melinda (Hrsg.); Godfrey, Jeanne (Hrsg.)
TitelWhat is good academic writing?
Insights into discipline-specific student writing.
QuelleLondon: Bloomsbury Academic (2020), 208 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheNew perspectives for English for academic purposes
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-1-350-11038-0; 9781350110397; 9781350110403; 9781350110410
SchlagwörterElektronisches Buch; Sprachkompetenz; Englisch; Wissenschaftssprache; Wissenschaftliches Schreiben
Abstract"Each chapter provides an answer to the titular question by an EAP expert based on research which includes analysis of student writing and interviews with academics from around the world, as they are the people who determine what 'good writing' is in their discipline. Chapters look at established disciplines which have had less attention in the EAP and academic writing literature to date, including music, formal linguistics, and dentistry, as well as new and growing fields of study such as new media"--. Contents: Introduction : the good writing project / Melinda Whong and Jeanne Godfrey -- A collaborative scholarship model of EAP research and practice / Jeanne Godfrey and Melinda Whong -- The written discourse genres of digital media studies / Simon Webster -- Exploring clarity in the discipline of design / Clare Maxwell -- Musicology and its others / Karen Burland, Edward Venn and Scott McLaughlin -- Good academic reflective writing in dentistry / Marion Bowman -- Dissertations in fine art / Sara Montgomery -- Good writing in linguistics / Diane Nelson and Valentina Brunetto -- Afterword / Ian Bruce.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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