Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige
Sonst. Personen | Veenis, Jon C. (Hrsg.); Robertson, Sylvia (Hrsg.); Berry, Jami Royal (Hrsg.) |
Titel | Multiculturalism and Multilingualism at the Crossroads of School Leadership. Exploring leadership theory, policy, and practice for diverse schools. 1st ed. 2020. |
Quelle | Cham: Springer International Publishing (2020), X, 229 S.
PDF als Volltext |
Reihe | Policy Implications of Research in Education. 11 |
Beigaben | Illustrationen 1 |
Sprache | englisch |
Dokumenttyp | online; gedruckt; Monographie |
ISBN | 978-3-030-54749-3; 978-3-030-54750-9; 978-3-030-54751-6; 978-3-030-54752-3 |
DOI | 10.1007/978-3-030-54750-9 |
Schlagwörter | Bildung; Erziehung; Bildungssoziologie; Bildungssystem; Bildungsmanagement; Bildungspolitik; Schule; Schulverwaltung; Sprache |
Abstract | This volume builds upon emergent understandings about educational leadership and policy in hopes of continuing to refine our understanding of what effective leadership means in linguistically and culturally diverse school contexts. The volume seeks to entrench a deeper understanding of the broader leadership policies and practices that promote the success of linguistically and culturally diverse students, while also recognizing that effective leadership can be highly dependent on context. It offers original empirical research that enhances an understanding of the interdependencies between leadership, culture, language, and policy (i.e., the mechanisms that engender or hinder successful stewardship of linguistic and cultural plurality). The confluence of school leadership, linguistic diversity, and multiculturalism makes this volume unique, especially considering the pace at which global migration continues to accelerate, coupled with the need to accommodate an array of diverse learning needs in today's schools. Contents: Part 1: Introduction -- 1.Leadership for Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Schools in the Era of Transnationalism; Jon C. Veenis -- Part 2: Exploring Educational Theory in Practice -- 2. Moral Leaders for Multicultural Britain: The Lives and Identities of UK South Asian Head Teachers; Lauri Johnson -- 3. A Bourdesian Approach to Educational Leadership in Culturally Diverse Schools; Peter Moyi, Rose Ylimaki, Suzy Hardie and Jintong Dou -- 4. Critical Moral Leadership: Toward Social Justice for English Learners; Gregory Wise and Charles L. Slater -- Part 3: Case Studies from Diverse Contexts -- 5. How School Leaders Leverage Resources for Social Justice, Equity and Access to Secondary Schooling in Belize: Implications for an Island Community; Lorenda Chisolm -- 6. Educational Leaders Building Relationships and Respecting and Affirming Indigenous Identity; Joseph Martin, Jon Reyhner, Richard Manning, Josephine Steeves, and Larry Steeves -- 7. Leading in a Diverse Context: A Principal's Efforts to Create an Inclusive Elementary School for Refugee Students; Nathern S. A. Okilwa -- Part 4: Preparation for Teaching and Leading in Diverse Contexts -- 8. Educating Against the Grain: A West Texas Teacher Preparation Program Champions Radical Reform; Faith Maina and Amani Zaier -- 9. Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk: Students' Experiences in Two Programs to Prepare Leaders for Predominantly Latino Schools; Betty Merchant, Encarnacion Garza, Jr., Juan Manual Niño, Karina Vielma, and Hugo Saucedo -- Part 5: Implications of Research Findings for Policy and Practice -- 10. Intercultural Competencies of New Principals: Tackling Challenges Related to Leading a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse School; Anne Julia Köster -- 11. Language-in-Education Policies in a New Immigration Country: Enabling and Disabling Local Leadership in a Multilingual School in Italy; Carla Paciotto, Enrico Castelli Gattinara, and Daniella Mainardi -- Part 6: Conclusion -- 12. Components of Linguistically and Culturally Responsive School Leadership; Jami Berry, Sylvia Robertson, and Melanie Brooks -- Epilogue: A Metaphoric Approach to Leading Diversity in Schools; Ross Notman. |
Erfasst von | Universitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Update | 2022/2 |