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Autor/inn/enCrow, Michael M.; Dabars, William B.
TitelThe fifth wave.
The evolution of American higher education.
QuelleBaltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press (2020), xiii, 478 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN1-4214-3802-X; 978-1-4214-3802-3; 9781421438030
SchlagwörterBildungsziel; College; Hochschulbildung; Universität; Hochschulreform; Hochschulzulassung; Hochschule; USA
Abstract"Building on the success of Designing the New American University (JHUP, 2015), this book examines the historical development of American higher education (in four preceding waves: colonial colleges, universities state universities, land-grant universities, research) and then describes the emerging next wave of institutions that will transform the field. What emerges in this fifth wave of universities, of which ASU is an exemplar, are institutions responsive to the needs of students, committed to access, regionally embedded, and focused on solving global problems interdisciplinarily"--. Contents: Introduction. Toward new models for the American research university -- The emergence of the fifth wave in American higher education -- A prototype for a fifth wave knowledge enterprise -- Boutique production strategies and appropriate scale -- Some historical perspective on the fifth wave -- Toward a theoretical and conceptual framework for the fifth wave -- Designing fifth wave knowledge enterprises -- Some comparative perspective on institutional innovation -- Conclusion. Toward universal learning frameworks.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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