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Sonst. PersonenBerg, Gary A. (Hrsg.); Venis, Linda (Hrsg.)
TitelAccessibility and diversity in the 21st century university.
QuelleHershey, PA: IGI Global (2020), xxii, 391 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781799827832; 9781799827849; 9781799827856
SchlagwörterSozialer Faktor; Hochschulbildung; Hochschulzulassung; Hochschule; Aufsatzsammlung; Vielfalt; Minderheit; Student; USA
Abstract"This book examines current trends in higher education in relationship to the issues of accessibility and diversity"--. Contents: Women in academia and the role of institutional support / Sheila Thomas -- Non-traditional students in higher education : barriers and strategies for self-directed learning / Carlene Buchanan -- Minority STEM students' perspective on their persistence in college / Stacey Williams -- A dream realized helping low-income students succeed in college / Nate Bryant -- Accessibility, self-efficacy, and self-advocacy of students with disabilities in the 21st century university / Lynne Orr, Pamela Brillante, Joy Durham -- College-going and college-staying capital : supporting underrepresented minority students at predominantly white institutions / Christy Kuehn -- Teaching the adult leader : principles, advantages, and challenges / Sumitra Balakrishnan -- A critical review of gender parity and voice dispossession among higher education executive leadership / Tricia Stewart, Robin Throne, Lesley Evans -- Retirement or return to school? : developing a decision model based on perspectives from non-traditional aged students / Kristina McGaha, Unnatti Jain -- Underrepresentation in academia / Raquel Sapeg -- Supporting college students via peer mentoring / Lenis Brown -- The internationalization of Hhigher education in a competitive marketing environment / Mark Anthony Camilleri -- DACA-Mexico origin students in the United States-Mexican borderlands : persistence, belonging, and college climate / Maggie Dominguez, Miriam Frolow.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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