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Autor/inn/enMaghnouj, Soumaya; Salinas, Daniel; Kitchen, Hannah; Guthrie, Caitlyn; Bethell, George; Fordham, Elizabeth
QuelleParis: OECD (2020), 280 S.
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ReiheOECD reviews of evaluation and assessment in education
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-92-64-39200-7; 978-92-64-48977-6; 978-92-64-52802-4; 978-92-64-84521-3
SchlagwörterBildungsmonitoring; Evaluation; Selbstevaluation; Bildungsbeteiligung; Soziale Ungleichheit; Urteil; Bildungssystem; Bildungspolitik; Primarbereich; Sekundarbereich; Lehrer; Lehrerausbildung; Abiturprüfung; Schulleistung; Zentrale Prüfung; Feedback; Unterricht; Steuerung; Verantwortung; Berufsausbildung; Hochschulbildung; Bericht; Leistungsmessung; Qualität; Serbien
AbstractHow can assessment and evaluation policies work together more effectively to improve student outcomes in primary and secondary schools? The country reports in this series analyse major issues facing evaluation and assessment policy to identify improvements that can be made to enhance the quality, equity and efficiency of school education. Serbia's education system performs well compared to other countries in the Western Balkans. In recent years, there have been improvements in access to education and Serbia has undertaken major institutional reforms to improve teaching and learning. However, a large share of students in Serbia continue to leave school without mastering basic competencies and efforts to achieve educational excellence continue to be jeopardised by limited institutional capacity and low levels of public spending on education. This review, developed in co-operation with UNICEF, provides Serbia with recommendations to help strengthen its evaluation and assessment system to focus on support for student learning. It will be of interest to Serbia, as well as other countries looking to make more effective use of their evaluation and assessment system to improve quality and equity, and result in better outcomes for all students. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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