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Autor/inn/enMüller, Johannes; Mutz, Michael
TitelOn the search for social esteem.
An ethnography on the meanings of football for marginalized male migrants.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Auf der Suche nach sozialer Wertschätzung. Eine Ethnographie zur Bedeutung des Fußballs für marginalisierte männliche Migranten.
QuelleIn: Young : Nordic journal of youth research, 27 (2019) 4, S. 336-354
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1103-3088; 1741-3222
SchlagwörterBildung; Soziale Anerkennung; Identität; Selbstbewusstsein; Selbstwertgefühl; Soziale Funktion; Soziale Herkunft; Soziale Integration; Soziales Verhalten; Gesundheit; Migration; Sozialer Status; Fußball; Sportaktivität; Sportsoziologie; Ethnologie; Gruppe (Soz); Jugendlicher; Mann
AbstractFollowing Honneth's theorizing on social esteem and based on ethnographic accounts, this study argues that sporting practices are of crucial importance for marginalized young men's social and self-esteem. The material presented shows the following: (a) these youths suffer from spoiled identities and negative self-images due to educational failure and perceived inferior social positions; (b) they see sporting activities as a legitimate cultural sphere, where excellent skills are recognized and valued not only by their families and friends, but also by the society as whole; (c) ethnographic observations and interviews show the staging of sportiness at urban football grounds and (d) how these performances translate into various forms of social esteem, for example, athletic dominance, masculine honour and fellowship. It is concluded that for these youths, sporting activities at urban football grounds become the most important practice for securing social esteem, allowing to compensate for perceived failure in other social domains, most notably the educational domain. (Autor).
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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