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Autor/inGöttlicher, Wilfried
TitelLandschulreform und "der Aufstieg unseres Volkes". Reformpädagogik, Krisendiagnosen und Zukunftsentwürfe abseits vom 'Roten Wien' anhand der Preisschrift des Landschulreformers August Bäunard.
QuelleIn: Historia scholastica, 5 (2019) 1, S. 85-99Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterReformpädagogik; Bildungsgeschichte; Schulreform; Schule; Ländlicher Raum; Geschichte (Histor); Kulturkritik; Zukunft; Österreich
AbstractSchool reform in Austria after 1918 is for the most part associated with the name of the social democrat Otto Glöckel and with the politics of Red Vienna. However, there also were considerable efforts to reform rural school at that time. By examining the example of the rural school reformer August Bäunard and his monograph on rural school reform published in 1923, this contribution demonstrates that the political contexts of school reform in Austria after 1918 were more diverse than the concentration on Oto Glöckel and Red Vienna would suggest. Cultural criticism and the topos of crisis play an important role in the framing of his suggestions on school reform. Whereas Bäunard on the one hand proves to be an advocate of the school reform concepts launched by Otto Glöckel and refers to school reform in Vienna, his political inclination can hardly be considered as social democratic.
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