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Autor/inGeorgia, Boza
TitelEvaluation as instrument for improvement of teachers to provide qualitative training: Views of teachers.
QuelleIn: Journal of contemporary education, theory & research, 3 (2019) 1, S. 9-14
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterBildungsqualität; Evaluation; Fragebogenerhebung; Qualitative Forschung; Quantitative Forschung; Einstellung (Psy); Bildungsreform; Lehrer; Personalwesen; Trainee-Programm; Bewertungssystem; Qualität; Griechenland
AbstractIn the context of the developments of recent years, the purpose of this paper is to investigate both at theoretical and empirical level, how the educational evaluation contributes to improving the quality of education provided, but the opinions and attitudes of Greek teachers of primary and secondary education towards process and in different evaluation systems, as well as to the extent to which the training evaluation helps improving the quality of educational work. In the context of human resources management in education, the evaluation of teachers, is not only a process that provides professional development opportunities for teachers and enhances accountability in the education system, but a process that contributes to improving the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the education project, the schools and the educational system in General. However, the latest developments in Greece on the implementation of educational reforms for the evaluation of education, was a process which created strong reactions from teachers who have developed negative attitudes and feelings on how the evaluation was applied, compounding the school climate and eventually leading to the Elimination of the system of assessment. In the context of the developments of recent years, the purpose of this paper is to investigate both at theoretical and empirical level, how the educational evaluation contributes to improving the quality of education provided, but the opinions and attitudes of Greek teachers of primary and secondary education towards process and in different evaluation systems, as well as to the extent to which the training evaluation helps improving the quality of educational work. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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