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Sonst. PersonenPeters, Michael Adrian (Hrsg.); Barnett, Roland (Hrsg.); Heraud, Richard (Mitarb.)
TitelThe idea of the university. Volume 1.
A reader.
QuelleNew York [u.a.]: Peter Lang (2018), xxxiii, 692 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheGlobal Studies in Education. 17
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-1-4331-2190-6; 978-1-4331-3646-7; 978-1-4331-3647-4; 978-1-4539-1888-3
SchlagwörterStaat; Hochschulbildung; Hochschulreform; Hochschule; Internationalität; Aufgabe
AbstractThe Idea of the University: Contemporary Perspectives, Volume 2 is a companion to The Idea of the University: A Reader, Volume 1, which presents readings from the major texts on the idea of the university over the last two hundred years. This volume consists of essays from the leading contemporary scholars of the university across the world. The essays examine ideas of the university that lie tacitly in its national and global framing, and offer creative ideas in taking the university forward, both on a regional and on a world-wide basis. Specific lines of inquiry include those of citizenship, cosmopolitanism, wisdom, ecology and freedom. The thirty chapters in this volume have been invitingly grouped to offer intriguing ways into the material, which in turn opens the way to very large conceptual and theoretical issues. In an era of marketization, can universities attend to any global responsibilities? Might regionalism-in Europe, in South America, in Africa-prompt new ideas of the university? What understandings of knowledge are feasible in a digital age? Amid local, national, regional and worldly callings, how might citizenship be construed? In a final section, a space opens for more speculative inquiries as to the conceptual possibilities ahead: Just what ideas of the university might feasibly be entertained for the twenty-first century? Might it be envisaged that the university has both responsibilities and possibilities in playing a part in bringing about a better world? Those concluding chapters in The Idea of the University: Contemporary Perspectives respond in original ways and all in an optimistic fashion. (HRK / Abstract übernommen).
Erfasst vonHochschulrektorenkonferenz, Bonn
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