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Sonst. PersonenTrachtenberg, Stephen Joel (Hrsg.); Kauvar, Gerald B. (Hrsg.); Gee, Elwood Gordon (Hrsg.)
TitelLeading colleges and universities.
Lessons from higher education leaders.
QuelleBaltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press (2018), xiii, 310 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN1-4214-2492-4; 978-1-4214-2492-7; 978-1-4214-2493-4
SchlagwörterArbeitsfeld; Universität; Hochschulorganisation; Rektor; Aufsatzsammlung; Hochschulpräsident; USA
Abstract"Building on research from Presidencies Derailed: Why University Leaders Fail and How to Prevent It, Gerald B. Kauvar, Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, and E. Gordon Gee approach the matter of college and university leadership from a positive angle: what lessons can we learn from successful college and university leaders? The rolodex of authors...a veritable Who's Who in American Higher Education today...reveal the secret to success in leading institutions with real-life examples. Not content with vague answers or clichéd platitudes, the authors provide specifics on a list of core questions: how do you manage college athletics, the faculty, a governing board, donors, and a local community? How do you control an institutional budget and investment portfolio? What do you need to know about crisis management and legal affairs? When should you be outspoken in the media and when should you shut up? Leading Colleges and Universities is a primer on how successful presidents lead successful schools"...
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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