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Sonst. PersonenDollinger, Stephanie M. Clancy (Hrsg.); DiLalla, Lisabeth F. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionLife Span Development Conference (2 : 1994 : Carbondale, Ill.)
TitelAssessment and intervention issues across the life span.
QuelleLondon; New York (2018), x, 307 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAbweichendes Verhalten; Bindung; Diagnose; Lebensalter; Soziale Herkunft; Adoleszenz; Frau; Förderung; Interaktion; Lernen; Lernprozess; Lernumgebung; Lernschwierigkeit; Neurowissenschaften; Therapie; Lesenlernen; Schreiben; Mobilität; Lebenslanges Lernen; Gehirnschädigung; Sprachbehinderung; Gewaltprävention; Grundschulalter; Bewertung; Biografie; Einflussfaktor; Intervention; Konferenzschrift; Alter Mensch; Benachteiligtes Kind; Ethnische Minderheit; Jugendlicher; Psychisch Kranker; USA
AbstractThis volume evolved from the second life span development conference held at Southern Illinois University entitled "Assessment and Intervention Across the Lifespan." Providing an overview and consideration of important directions for research in areas of assessment and intervention across the lifespan, the presentations covered a variety of topic areas including social ecology, cultural diversity, attitudes about aging, as well as attention, visual, and linguistic skills. [...] The second conference and volume continue the work of the first conference and its associated earlier volume. The chapters cover important interactions between assessment and intervention for each major developmental period; several emphasize the importance of early assessment and intervention. A common theme found throughout is the critical connection between basic research and practice. (Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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