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Autor/inn/enVosgerau, Klaus; Bulmann, Ulrike
TitelBenefits of research-based learning as active learning in engineering.
QuelleAus: Jansen-Schulz, Bettina (Hrsg.); Tantau, Till (Hrsg.): Excellent teaching. Principles, structures and requirements. Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verl. (2018) S. 169-183Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenAbbildungen 1; Tabellen 1; Literaturangaben S. 180-183
Spracheenglisch; englische Zusammenfassung
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN978-3-7639-5991-4; 978-3-7639-5992-1
SchlagwörterAktives Lernen; Lehr-Lern-Prozess; Forschendes Lernen; Ingenieurwissenschaft; Hochschulunterricht; Hamburg
AbstractResearch-based learning is increasingly being implemented in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) teaching and learning scenarios. It is considered useful for improving learning and for profile development in higher education. From a higher education point of view, participants of research-based learning units will acquire research and discipline-specific competencies at the same time. In engineering, its implementation can be combined with various forms of active learning. Thus, students acquire disciplinary expertise in a research-related context, which is a crucial outcome of engineering education. However, higher education innovations must be adapted to the existing, predominant course types, curriculum characteristics and traditions of teaching and learning. We suggest using a framework of research-based learning that combines the analysis of learning activities and the definition of learning content. Subsequently, it becomes possible to refine the scope, complexity and level of difficulty within teaching and learning scenarios step by step, either with regard to particular courses or to curricular structures. The design of the training programme Research-Based Learning at TUHH provides an example of a tailor-made qualification of early career scientists for teaching in engineering. We propose to examine whether the conceptual approach of research-based learning associated with a qualification programme can be transferred to other STEM disciplines. CONTENTS: 1 The Contribution of Research-Based Learning to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (171). - 2 Why Should Research-Based Learning be Implemented as Active Learning? (173). - 3 Conditions and Requirements of Research-Based Learning in Engineering Sciences (173). - 4 Implementation of Research-Based Learning as Active Learning in Engineering (175). - 5 Qualifying for Research-Based Learning as Active Learning in Engineering - the Training Programme Research-Based Learning at TUHH (177). - 6 Final Remarks (179). (zhb/text adopted).
Erfasst vonZentrum für HochschulBildung - Technische Universität Dortmund
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