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Autor/inVieira, Miguel Said
TitelQualidade, reuso e... remix: adaptando uma metodologia de OA para REA.
QuelleSalamanca (2016), 5 S.
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Dokumenttyponline; Monographie
SchlagwörterLehrmittel; Unterrichtsmaterial; Unterrichtsmedien; Qualitätssicherung; Open Access
AbstractThis work presents some development methodologies for learning objects (LO), and discusses the application of one of them - the INTERA methodology - for OER development. The INTERA (Portuguese acronym for "Intelligence, Educational Technologies and Accessible Resources") distinguished itself from previous proposals by attempting to conciliate the attention to technical and pedagogical aspects of the development; its approach aims to increase the reusability of the developed materials by guaranteeing their quality in both of these aspects. As it is a methodology for developing LO, however, it is relatively neutral or silent on important issues regarding OER - such as legal assurances for reuse, and the technical and material conditions to allow adaptation and remix. The work identifies processes and stages of the INTERA methodology in which those aspects arise (as well as the actors that should intervene in them), and makes recommendations for it to be suitable also for OER development.
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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