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Autor/inn/enCarta, Judith J.; Greenwood, Charles; Walker, Dale; Buzhardt, Jay
TitelUsing IGDIs.
Monitoring progress and improving intervention for infants and young children.
QuelleBaltimore, Md. u.a.: Brookes (2010), XIII, 244 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheEarly childhood. Assessment
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literatur- und URL-Angaben S. 209-221
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN1-59857-065-X; 978-1-59857-065-6
SchlagwörterBeobachtung; Testkonstruktion; Entwicklungsstörung; Individualpsychologie; Kognitive Entwicklung; Kommunikation; Motorische Entwicklung; Diagnostischer Test; Entwicklungstest; Lesetest; Sprachtest; Testdurchführung; Testverfahren; Säugling; Eltern; Kind; Kleinkind; Interaktion; Soziale Kompetenz; Messverfahren; Behinderung; Entwicklung; Fortschrittsbericht; Handreichung; Intervention; Praxisbezug; USA
AbstractThis book is designed for individuals who serve infants and toddlers. Because IGDIs [Individual Growth and Development Indicators] are appropriate for universal screening as well as for measuring progress of children in specialized interventions, children may be served in programs for typically developing children, ... at-risk children, ... or children with developmental delays or disabilities... This book is for individuals who want to learn about the rationale for these measures and want to learn more about how they were developed, as well as for individuals who just want to learn how to administer and score one of the measures and to obtain progress reports. [Chapter two and three] provide the conceptual background for IGDIs and the big ideas behind their development, as well as explanations of IGDI administration. Chapters in the second section of this book describe each of the five IGDIs for infants and toddlers (i.e., communication, cognitive problem solving, movement, social, and parent-child interaction), how they are administered, and how their data can be used. The third section of this book describes technical information related to training and certification, as well as psychometric properties of the measures. The final section explains the applications for these measures and IGDIs for older children. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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