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Autor/inn/enMohler, Peter Ph.; Rosenbladt, Bernhard von
TitelInfrastructure for high-quality and large-scale surveys.
Cooperation between academic research and private-sector agencies.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Infrastruktur für hochqualitative und groß angelegte Umfragen. Kooperation zwischen akademischer Forschung und privaten Forschungseinrichtungen.
QuelleAus: Building on progress. Expanding the research infrastructure for the social, economic and behavioral sciences. Vol. 1. Opladen: B. Budrich (2010) S. 155-174
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterForschung; Umfrageforschung; Datengewinnung; Privater Sektor; Sozialwissenschaften; Statistik; Hochschule; Infrastruktur; Kooperation; Qualität; Statistisches Bundesamt; Datendokumentation; Deutschland
Abstract"High-quality data from large-scale surveys provide a solid basis for outstanding research in the social sciences. Because of the unique demands of survey measurement in terms of the resources and skills required, it should be viewed as a specific sector of the research data infrastructure. In Germany, large-scale surveys have been established both within and outside academia, and major new projects are underway. Clearly, the sector is expanding. There is a need to discuss future challenges, not only with a focus on individual large projects, but with a view to the sector of large-scale surveys and high-quality survey measurement in general. One aspect is the segmentation of large-scale measurement instruments in Germany along institutional lines (statistical offices, government agency research, public research institutions, and the academic community). Here, we recommend that an overall framework be developed covering all sub-sectors. A second aspect is the infrastructure required for large-scale, high-quality data collection. In Germany (outside the sector of statistical offices), this infrastructure is provided by private survey organizations. We argue that these should be recognised as relevant actors within the research data infrastructure. They have to invest in technological and human resources in order to provide the professional services required, and they need conditions and forms of cooperation that encourage this investment." (author's abstract).
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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