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Autor/inn/enSuggate, Sebastian; Pufke, Eva; Stoeger, Heidrun
TitelThe effect of fine and grapho-motor skill demands on preschoolers's decoding skill.
QuelleIn: Journal of experimental child psychology, (2016) 141, S. 34-48
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN0022-0965; 1096-0457
SchlagwörterExperimentelle Untersuchung; Experimentelle Psychologie; Feinmotorik; Motorik; Pädagogische Psychologie; Test; Kind; Vorschulalter; Lesen; Lesenlernen; Schreib- und Lesefähigkeit; Schreiben; Grafomotorik
AbstractPrevious correlational research has found indications that fine motor skills (FMS) link to early reading development, but the work has not demonstrated causality. [The authors] manipulated 51 preschoolers' FMS while children learned to decode letters and nonsense words in a within-participants, randomized, and counterbalanced single-factor design with pre- and posttesting. In two conditions, children wrote with a pencil that had a conical shape fitted to the end filled with either steel (impaired writing condition) or polystyrene (normal writing condition). In a third control condition, children simply pointed at the letters with the light pencil as they learned to read the words (pointing condition). Results indicate that children learned the most decoding skills in the normal writing condition, followed by the pointing and impaired writing conditions. In addition, working memory, phonemic awareness, and grapho-motor skills were generally predictors of decoding skill development. The findings provide experimental evidence that having lower FMS is disadvantageous for reading development. (Verlag).
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