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Autor/inn/enStarks-Yoble, Ginger; Moeller, Aleidine J.
TitelLearning German with Technology: The Student Perspective.
QuelleIn: Die Unterrichtspraxis - teaching German, 48 (2015) 1, S. 41-58
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BeigabenAnhang; Abbildungen 1; Tabellen 1
Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEinstellung (Psy); Digitale Medien; Motivation; Deutsch als Fremdsprache
AbstractMuch has been written about technology and its potential for increased learning in the language classroom (Wang, 2008; Moeller & Theiler, 2007; Alm, 2006, 2008; Dooly, 2007; Yang & Chen, 2007), but what has been largely missing is the students' own voices as regards to how they experience learning a second language with and through technology. This study aims to (a) describe students' self reported experiences of learning German with technology and (b) investigate the potential of the stimulated response as a research methodology with middle-school-aged students to elicit students' thoughts and thought processes that can inform instruction. This study investigates the role technology can play in promoting autonomy, confidence and relatedness, three psychological needs that lead to self-regulation (Deci, 1991). These processes are investigated through the voices of the students who experienced technology enhanced language learning in a beginning German classroom. Such an investigation can provide valuable information and student feedback about the usefulness of technology in promoting language learning effort, motivation, self-regulation and reflection (Marzano, Pickering & Pollock, 2001). (Verlag).
Erfasst vonInformationszentrum für Fremdsprachenforschung, Marburg
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