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Autor/inn/enNunes da Silva, João; Almeida Sousa, Ronan; Alves Borges, Marlene
TitelViolência doméstica: análise e correlações do perfil educacional de autores e vítimas na cidade de arraias nos anos de 2012 a 2014.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Domestic violence: an alysis and correlation of the educational profile of perpetrators and victims of violence in the city of arraias in the years 2012-2014.
QuelleIn: Revista Observatório, 1 (2015) 3, S. 294-316
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterBildung; Korrelation; Frau; Familiale Gewalt; Opfer; Analyse; Täter; Brasilien
AbstractThis practical-theoretic study is about domestic violence, worldwide problem. In Brazil as many searches, this kind of violence has numerous motivations, mainly cultural. The city of Arraias in the state of Tocantins, object of the study is no exception, this kind of violence happen often in their local homes. We tried to show in a short way the problematic in a global and national levels and at the end with a more detailed structure, the homes of the people that lives in the city quoted. Since the objective of this research was to understand the domestic violence from the application and effectiveness of the Maria da Penha Law correlating facts with the way of education and the many profiles of education degrees or professionals from the victims and their aggressors that interfere in the index of violence against women, and even the recurrence facts compared to the retractions' indexes from the victims. For this, we used theoretical bases as well as field research, analyzing 100 % of the cases reported in the last three years in that District Police Station. Occurrence Bulletins were observed from that Police Unit in order to view the application and the law effectivity. Furthermore, this analysis was taken from the following documents: notices of criminal proceedings, notices of police inquiries and notices of measure protective application, so that the phenomenon was diagnosed to detect points where actions should be directed to minimize this kind of violence in that city. We used the descriptive- explicative method in order to make the problem intelligible.
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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