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Autor/inn/enHermens, Niels; Super, Sabina; Verkooijen, Kirsten; Koelen, Maria
TitelIntersectoral action to enhance the social inclusion of socially vulnerable youth through sport: an exploration of the elements of successful partnerships between youth work organisations and local sports clubs.
QuelleIn: Social Inclusion, 3 (2015) 3, S. 98-107
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterJugend; Sport; Jugendarbeit; Gefährdung; Jugendlicher; Niederlande
AbstractResearch shows that participation in sport is positively related to self-esteem, self-regulation skills, and social inclusion. As socially vulnerable youngsters participate less frequently in sports activities than their average peers, youth work organisations try to guide their clients (i.e., socially vulnerable youngsters) to local sports clubs and inclusive sports activities. Inclusive sports activities, however, cannot be provided by youth work organisations alone. Therefore, in the Netherlands, intersectoral action involving both youth work organisations and local sports clubs has emerged. Because youth workers and stakeholders in local sports clubs are not used to collaborating with each other, we explored the factors that contribute to the quality and performance of such intersectoral actions. On the basis of five open interviews with youth workers and three focus groups with stakeholders in local sports clubs, we described factors relating to the organisation of intersectoral action among youth workers and local sports clubs that are preconditions for the success of this specific type of intersectoral action.
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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