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Autor/inn/enShafique, Muhammad Nouman; Ahmad, Naveed; Farooq, Qamar
TitelHypothesis and conceptual framework development of cross cultural training and perceived success of expatriates.
QuelleIn: International letters of social and humanistic sciences, (2015) 50, S. 44-50
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterInterkulturelle Kompetenz; Training; Management; Unternehmen; Auslandstätigkeit; Pakistan
AbstractRising trends of globalization in economic, managerial and social arenas have resulted in interpersonal contacts across the cultures. Multinational companies are increasingly focusing on trainings of their employees for improvement of performance. This research is based on the practical idea and literature review about the success of employees who are deputed for overseas assignments.Various factors related to the success or failures of expatriates have been explored in this study and one of the important aspects "cross cultural training" has been focused to find its impact on success of expatriates. This study encompasses the definition of cross cultural training ranging to its importance and effects. Substantial investment pertaining to foreign subsidiaries fashions the management to expect for the high returns, on the other hand, failure of expatriates adds significantly in failure of companies in deed.Proper cross cultural training of employees help them to shun the cultural shock and difficulties in adjustment abroad. For completion of this research, a very comprehensive questionnaire was designed basing on theoretical framework and a case study of expatriates of National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) of Pakistan was carried out. Study found that there are multi-faceted uses of cross cultural training and it is one of the major sources to reduce cultural shock and pre-mature return of the employees.The research is not only useful for NADRA and Government Sector of Pakistan rather through conceptual work it is universally constructive for developing a general idea about cross cultural training and its impact on success of expatriates. This research specifically covered all related areas of expatriates of studied organization and findings have been discussed in order to grasp the relevant sides of topic by controlling rest of variables for getting potentially reliable results.
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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