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Autor/inOleksenko, Olena
TitelPedagogical conditions of training future managers of foreign economic activity for cross-cultural communication.
QuelleIn: International letters of social and humanistic sciences, (2015) 65, S. 27-31
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterPädagogik; Interkulturelle Kommunikation; Außenwirtschaft; Ausbildung; Manager; Rahmenbedingung
AbstractThe study reveals the pedagogical conditions of training future managers of foreign economic activity for cross-cultural communication. The analysis of the scientific research in this field has shown that the essence of the pedagogical conditions has not been generalized or systemized yet. On the base of the invariable vectors of the pedagogical process, the pedagogical conditions of training future managers of foreign economic activity for cross-cultural communication are outlined. They are: creating multicultural surrounding in the process of training managers for gaining experience in cross-cultural communication (organization); adaptive gradual management of the educational activity with due regards for personal, professional, communicative qualities of future managers of foreign economic activity (management); subject and subject interaction, directed at the optimal management of cross-cultural conflicts (communication).
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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