Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige
Autor/in | Ersova, N. G. |
Titel | Razvitie tvorceskogo potenciala buduscich specialistov v sfere fiziceskoj kul'tury i sporta v processe obucenija inostrannomu jazyku. Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Entwicklung des kreativen Potenzials künftiger Spezialisten auf dem Gebiet von Körperkultur und Sport im Prozess des Fremdsprachenunterrichts. |
Quelle | In: Teorija i praktika fiziceskoj kul'tury, (2015) 6, S. 39-41 |
Sprache | russisch |
Dokumenttyp | gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz |
ISSN | 0040-3601 |
Schlagwörter | Kompetenz; Kreativität; Persönlichkeitsentwicklung; Bildungspolitik; Lehrer; Lehrerausbildung; Leistungsmotivation; Lernmotivation; Sprache; Körperkultur; Sport; Sportunterricht; Ausbildung; Berufsbild; Trainer; Sprachwissenschaft; Organisation; Funktionär; Sportmanager |
Abstract | The current challenges of the educational system include ultimate development of independence, willingness for decision making in alternative choice situations, development of individual creative capacity and self-fulfillment of an individual. The process of learning of foreign languages greatly enhances professional culture and competency of future specialists, forming their understanding of the world cultural diversity, contributing to the orientation of the individual on the whole world where "global English" is a universal language. Moreover, learning of a foreign language provides for the development of reflective thinking, which helps students aggregate in the minds the information they have got on other academic subjects, as frequently they need to work at the learning material, rethinking the information they already know given in a foreign language. In the experimental work, it was found that the low level of foreign language training by the time of admission to higher school prevents from the full use of such a key factor of development as motivation. Student does not want to study the subject on which he 'knows" very little and does not see how to fulfill his creative potential. Along with that it is natural to assume that students have motivational reserves that should be involved. In this regard, the use of multimedia and computer technologies is an essential communicative means that makes it possible to form and develop the interest in learning a foreign language in students of higher schools of physical culture. The authors believe that the subject "Foreign Language" can be an important factor in the formation of a creative personality due to its significant creative potential based on communication which helps develop professional culture and identity and overall competency of future specialists. Verf.-Referat. |
Erfasst von | Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn |
Update | 2016/1 |