Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige
Autor/inn/en | Flämig, Katja; König, Anke; Spiekermann, Nicole |
Titel | Potentials, dissonances and reform initiatives in field-based learning and mentoring practices in the early childhood sector in Germany. |
Quelle | In: Early years, 35 (2015) 2, S. 211-226
PDF als Volltext |
Sprache | englisch |
Dokumenttyp | online; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz |
ISSN | 0957-5146; 1472-4421 |
DOI | 10.1080/09575146.2015.1028899 |
Schlagwörter | Kompetenzerwerb; Methodenforschung; Frühpädagogik; Mentoring; Professionalisierung; Duales Ausbildungssystem; Theorie-Praxis-Beziehung; Erzieher |
Abstract | In Germany, the field-based element in the education/training of early childhood educators is given high priority in the development of professional competencies. Nevertheless, Germany lacks a firmly anchored regulatory and curricular framework for early childhood education and care settings as 'workplace learning sites' (Lernort Praxis) and the current approaches towards practical placements have been strongly criticised. Debates have focused on the (inadequate) interface between theory and practice and the overriding influence of the vocational colleges as sites of professional preparation. The examination of existing regulations regarding practical placements shows that the practice sites and the mentors who work there receive too little attention. Beyond this, the education/training of (early) childhood educators is dominated by the vocational colleges - not least because the two places of learning (i.e. the college and the workplace) are assigned to different authorities and ministries. The quality of workplace-based learning can therefore only be enhanced by relevant policy decisions and by integrating the interface between theory and practice on a curricular basis. (Verlag). |
Erfasst von | Externer Selbsteintrag |
Update | 2015/4 |