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Autor/inn/enMuchina, M. P.; Kravcuk, A.I.
TitelFormirovanie dvigatel'nych sposobnostej doskol'nikov.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Die Entwicklung der motorischen Fähigkeiten der Vorschüler.
QuelleIn: Teorija i praktika fiziceskoj kul'tury, (2015) 3, S. 62-64Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterMotorik; Motorische Entwicklung; Motorische Leistungsfähigkeit; Vorschulalter; Vorschulerziehung; Altersstufe; Bewegung (Motorische); Bewegungsaktivität; Bewegungslehre; Körpererziehung; Sportaktivität; Sportunterricht; Altersabhängigkeit
AbstractThe pre-school age period is characterized by active physical development of a child. One of the factors that determine the effective management of the process of physical education of preschool children is consideration of the recent data on the development of basic movements, physical qualities and functional motor abilities. The purpose of the study was to define age periods of formation of motor abilities of preschool children. The paper contains the results of the longitudinal study of the development of motor abilities of preschool children in the conditions of integrated and directed physical education. Age periods are defined when their development is consolidated and mismatches, the seventh scientific and methodological principle of integrated physical education is justified. The implementation of directed physical education does not create conditions for the early formation of motor abilities of children. In this regard, it is necessary to create such external effects with which motor skills of children could be formed in the conditions of a positive transfer of the quality of basic movements, combined with development of physical qualities and functional and motor abilities in accordance with the age characteristics of their formation. Verf.-Referat.

Period doskol'nogo vozrasta charakterizuetsja aktivnym fiziceskim razvitiem rebenka. Odnim iz faktorov, opredeljajuscich effektivnoe upravpenie processom fiziceskogo vospitanija doskol'nikov, javljaetsja ucet sovremennych dannych otnositel'no razvitija osnovnych dvizenij, fiziceskich kacestv i funkcional'no-dvigatel'nych sposobnostej. Cel' issledovanija - opredelenie vozrastnych periodov stanovlenija dvigatel'nych sposobnostej detej doskol'nogo vozrasta. V stat'e predstavleny rezul'taty longitudinal'nogo issledovanija razvitija dvigatel'nych sposobnostej doskol'nikov v uslovijach kompleksnogo i napravlennogo fiziceskogo vospitanija, opredeleny vozrastnye periody konsolidacii i rassoglasovanija ich razvitija, obosnovan sed'moj naucno-metodiceskij princip kompleksnogo fiziceskogo vospitanija. Realizacija napravlennogo fiziceskogo vospitanija ne sozdaet uslovij dlja svoevremennogo formirovanija dvigatel'nych sposobnostej detej. V svjazi s etim neobchodimo sozdanie takich vnesnich vozdejstvij, pri kotorych formirovanie dvigatel'nych navykov detej proischodit v uslovijach polozitel'nogo perenosa kacestva osnovnych dvizenij, soprjazennogo razvitija fiziceskich kacestv i funkcional'no-dvigatel'nych sposobnostej v sootvetstvii s vozrastnymi osobennostjami ich stanovlenija. Verf.-Referat.
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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