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Autor/inKurtz, Jürgen
TitelFostering and building upon oral creativity in the EFL classroom.
QuelleAus: Maley, Alan (Hrsg.); Peachey, Nik (Hrsg.): Creativity in the English language classroom. London: British Council (2015) S. 73-83
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ReiheTeaching English
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN978-0-86355-767-5; 978-0-86355-777-4
SchlagwörterKreativität; Didaktik; Unterricht; Fremdsprachenunterricht; Englischunterricht; Improvisation; Deutschland; Englischsprachige Staaten
AbstractThis chapter begins by briefly looking at typical patterns of interaction in EFL classrooms worldwide and at potential threats to creativity in language education in the current age of competency-based standards, testing and outcome-oriented accountability, underlining the pressing need for flexible, more process-sensitive instruction. Placing strong emphasis on communication as participation and on learning as transformation of participatory competency and skill, it presents a small selection of task-driven, learner-centred communicative activities designed to engage foreign language learners in increasingly self-regulated oral interaction in the target language. The activities are henceforth referred to as 'improvisations'. (Orig.).
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