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Autor/inHoxtell, Annette
TitelDie Perspektive von Jugendlichen bei ihrer Berufs- und Betriebswahl berücksichtigen.
Potenziale für den Fachkräftenachwuchs der Elektromobilität.
QuelleAus: Nachwuchs gewinnen. Formate, Angebote und Initiativen. Berlin: Institut für Betriebliche Bildungsforschung (2015) S. 30-32
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ReiheLernwelt Elektromobilität. 2
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterAutomobilbau; Branche; Wirtschaftspädagogik; Berufspädagogik; Berufswahl; Kfz-Mechatroniker; Ausbildungsbetrieb; Jugendlicher; Berlin; Brandenburg; Deutschland
AbstractGermany faces a lack in qualified workforce. Emerging industries such as the electromobility industry might be affected by this shortage. To counteract this potential shortage youths should become attracted to and choose vocations related to the electromobility industry such as mechatronic technicians. There are three ways to get them interested in such vocations: Firstly, making the electromobility industry attractive. Secondly, making vocations related to electromobility attractive and thirdly making employers in this field appear attractive. This article highlights employer choices of young apprentices in the metalworking industry which might relate to apprentices in the electromobility industry. It further argues that due its sustainable image the electromobility industry might attract youths that were formerly not attracted to the automotive industry.
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