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Autor/inIsaacs, Ann Katherine
TitelTuning Tools and Insights for Modern Competence-Based Third-Cycle Programs/ Ann Katherine Isaacs.
QuelleAus: Curaj, Adrian (Hrsg.); Matei, Liviu (Hrsg.); Pricopie, Remus (Hrsg.); Salmi, Jamil (Hrsg.); Scott, Peter (Hrsg.): The European higher education area. Between critical reflections and future policies. 2. Cham [u.a.]: Springer International Publishing (2015) S. 561-572
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN978-3-319-18767-9; 978-3-319-20877-0
SchlagwörterBologna-Prozess; Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs
AbstractThe paper looks at the tools useful for the third cycle that have been created by the many Tuning projects carried out over the last 13 years. The Tuning Process has proceeded in parallel with the Bologna Process and consists of a number of University-driven projects, following a common methodology, to create positive and concrete ways of implementing the shift to competence-based learner-centered higher education programs and practices. At present nearly all continents and macro-regions (Europe, Latin America, United States, Canada, Australia, Central Asia, Russian Federation, China and more) have participated or are participating in Tuning. The Tuning methodology has been applied to third cycle studies, both overall and in many key subject areas. Here we give an overview of how the tools and understandings created can enhance third cycle programs in any disciplinary area, including the arts and music. (HRK / Abstract übernommen).
Erfasst vonHochschulrektorenkonferenz, Bonn
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