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Autor/inn/enPovzun, V. D.; Povzun, A. A.; Apokin, V. V.; Ivanova, N.L.
TitelPsichologiceskie charakteristiki tvorceskogo potenciala studenta i ich izmenenija v obrazovatel'nom prostranstve universiteta.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Psychologische Kennwerte des kreativen Potentials eines Studenten und ihre Veränderungen im Bildungsraum der Universität.
QuelleIn: Teorija i praktika fiziceskoj kul'tury, (2013) 9, S. 83-86Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterBildungsideal; Kreativität; Leistungsorientierung; Persönlichkeit; Persönlichkeitsmerkmal; Persönlichkeitspsychologie; Selbsteinschätzung; Selbstverantwortung; Selbstbeobachtung; Bildungsreform; Handlungsorientierung; Sport; Sportpsychologie; Sportpädagogik; Ausbildung; Ausbildungsinhalt; Hochschule; Zielorientierung; Student
AbstractEstimating the potentials of the university educational space as a specially organized educational environment in development of students' creative potential, we proceeded from the characteristic of this potential as a drive for personal importance and its specificity. The purpose of the study was to analyze the self-assessment of value orientations of students of the sports faculty of Surgut state university and reveal the priority personal qualities, characterizing its creative potential. The results of the studies are deplorable showing that the current actions being taken in the university educational environment to help a student in the adequate evaluation of the level of development of the creative potential, specifically the level of personal qualities in general, are not enough. Exaggerated self-assessment of some students, inadequate interpretation of life phenomena and striving "to seem", but not "to be", reluctance in taking the responsibility for personal life along with the dominant ambitions using power are the worrying indications of problems both in the student environment and in the society in general. The university educational environment has extensive resources to ensure the influence on development of the adequate self-assessment of the student's personality, including the estimation of the level of development of his creative potential, but many of them are being applied inefficiently and not to the full. Verf-Referat.
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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