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Autor/inGrechovodov, V.A.
TitelAnaliz sovremennych ponjatij v naucnych pedagogiceskich issledovanijach Analiz sovremennych ponjatij v naucnych pedagogiceskich issledovanijach.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Analyse moderner Begriffe in wissenschaftspädagogischen Untersuchungen.
QuelleIn: Teorija i praktika fiziceskoj kul'tury, (2013) 9, S. 58-60Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterInhaltsanalyse; Methode; Begriffsbestimmung; Methodik; Sportpädagogik; Ausbildung; Ausbildungsinhalt; Ausbildungsstätte; Analyse; Bewertung; Funktionsanalyse; Terminologie
AbstractThe studies of the contemporary scientific trends in the field of physical culture and sport in available literary sources and in the internet (methodological journals, proceedings of scientific conferences, abstracts of Ph.D. and doctoral theses etc.) re- vealed two specific features of the modern scientific activity, influencing negatively scientific researches and the wide application of their findings in the scientific teaching community. These are the issue of the hierarchy of scientific categories - educational technology, methodology, program and the use in the analysis of the results of researching activity of such a measure as point. Considering the criteria of the educational technology, methodology and program, one is to reveal the sense of the most popular concepts, which is hard to do due to the existing variety of definitions of these concepts and numerous alternative versions. The purpose of the study was to make a theoretical analysis of the concepts used in scientific researches in education. The authors stipulate in the paper numerous interesting definitions of the essence of educational technologies - the term that has become quite popular in the recent years. Proceeding from the studies, carried out by the researchers, points can and are to be referred to the last two scales, which makes it easier and expands the capacities of using mathematical statistics in researches and ensures more efficient development of the scientific thought among young researchers and students who assume the Student's t-test as a reliable base. Verf.-Referat.
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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