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Autor/inn/enIves, B.; Alama, M.; Mosora, C. L.
TitelTeacher education budget cuts in Romania and the US.
Points of contrast and comparison.
QuelleIn: Educational research, 55 (2013) 1, S. 53-70Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN0013-1881; 1469-5847
SchlagwörterLehrerbildung; Lehre; Studium; Student; Ausland; Rumänien; USA
AbstractBackground - Budgets for teacher education programmes have been substantially reduced as a result of the global economic crisis. Purpose - The purpose of this study was to compare the teacher education budget cutting processes and procedures for universities in Romania versus one university in the United States. Sample - The data were collected from six Romanian universities that all have teacher education programmes. These universities represent the range of higher education quality in the country as indicated by their publication rates. Data from these universities were compared with those from the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR). UNR is the flagship university in the Nevada System of Higher Education, and Nevada has been harder hit by the recent global economic crisis than any other state in the United States and cuts to teacher education there have been substantial. Design and methods - Data about the budget cutting processes and decisions in the teacher educa^tion programmes of six Romanian universities were collected through an electronic survey. These data were compared with the processes and decisions made at the UNR. Results - The budget cutting processes in Romania were less transparent, and involved less input from stakeholders such as faculty and staff. Most decisions were made at a higher level of authority in Romania, and cuts in Romania were more likely to be across the board rather than more strategically targeted as they were in Nevada. Conclusions - These differences are discussed in terms of the historical legacy of structures and policies in Romania, and the resistance to reform inherent in those structures and policies. (HRK / Abstract übernommen).
Erfasst vonHochschulrektorenkonferenz, Bonn
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