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Autor/inn/enMuff, Katrin; Dyllick, Thomas; Drewell, Mark; North, John; Shrivastava, Paul; Haertle, Jonas
TitelManagement education for the world.
A vision for business schools serving people and planet.
QuelleCheltenham, U.K; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing (2013), xxiv, 234 S.
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-1-78254-762-4; 978-1-78254-763-1; 978-1-78254-764-8
SchlagwörterManagement; Ausbildung; Wirtschaftshochschule; Führungskraft
AbstractThis book explores the 21st century agenda of management education, identifying three fundamental goals: educating and developing globally responsible leaders, enabling business organizations to serve the common good, and engaging in the transformation of business and the economy. It is a clarion call of service to society for a sector lost between the interests of faculty, business and the schools themselves at the expense of people and planet. It sees business education stepping up to the plate with the ability of holding and creating a space to provide responsible leadership for a sustainable world embodied in the central and unifying element of the 50+20 vision, the collaboratory. -- '50+20 not only raises the sights for those charged with the development of our future leaders, but also provides a clear roadmap for delivering on that ambition. As such, it is an important contribution to a journey of transformation that affects not only the future of business, but the very planet itself.' (Paul Polman, Unilever, US) -- 'The 50+20 initiative is an ambitious effort that highlights the urgent need for radical change in what we teach and how management education is delivered today. In a world that faces so many different and fast-evolving challenges, the initiative is indeed timely and needed.' (Peter Bakker, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Switzerland).
Erfasst vonZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft, Kiel
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