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Autor/inn/enSavory, Paul; Goodburn, Amy
TitelTypes of faculty course portfolios to showcase classroom practices and student learning. Making visible the intellectual work of teaching.
QuelleAus: Miller, Damian (Hrsg.); Volk, Benno (Hrsg.): E-Portfolio an der Schnittstelle von Studium und Beruf. Münster: Waxmann (2013) S. 265-275
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ReiheMedien in der Wissenschaft. 63
Dokumenttyponline; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterElektronische Medien; Lehren; Arbeitstransparent; Lehre; Universität; Hochschullehre; Hochschule; Portfolio; Transparenz
AbstractFaculty course portfolios are a valuable medium for documenting and making visible the serious intellectual work of teaching. Developing a faculty course portfolio follows the same process one uses to explore a research question. Faculty members inquire, analyze, and document their teaching practices and the resulting student learning and then make the results accessible for use, review, and assessment by their peers. In this article, we introduce four types of electronic course portfolios that sponsor different forms of inquiry into Student learning. We highlight the major components of each type, offer advice in developing them, and share examples of each. We conclude by providing assessment data on the impact that portfolios have had for faculty. (DIPf/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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