Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige
Autor/inn/en | Kelley, Donna J.; Brush, Candida G.; Greene, Patricia G.; Litovsky, Yana |
Institution | Babson College; London Business School |
Titel | Global entrepreneurship monitor. 2012 women's report. Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Global entrepreneurship monitor. Frauenbericht 2012. |
Quelle | Wellesley, Mass. (2013), 56 S.
PDF als Volltext |
Sprache | englisch |
Dokumenttyp | online; Monographie |
Schlagwörter | Kultur; Demografischer Faktor; Gesellschaft; Sozialer Faktor; Einstellung (Psy); Persönlichkeitsmerkmal; Risikobereitschaft; Rollenverständnis; Selbsteinschätzung; Frau; Geschlechterrolle; Determinante; Beschäftigungseffekt; Unternehmensgröße; Unternehmensgründung; Wertschöpfung; Arbeitsmotivation; Qualifikation; Unternehmer; Internationaler Vergleich; Geschlechterverteilung; Geschlechtsspezifik; Innovation; Sektorale Verteilung; Welt |
Abstract | In 2012, an estimated 126 million women were starting or running new businesses in 67 economies around the world. In addition, an estimated 98 million were running established businesses. These women are not only creating jobs for themselves and their co-founders, but they also employ others. A projected 48 million female entrepreneurs and 64 million female business owners currently employ one or more people in their businesses. In addition, these women plan to grow their businesses. A predicted seven million female entrepreneurs and five million female established business owners plan to grow their businesses by at least six employees over the next five years. The GEM Global Women's Report offers an in-depth view of women who start and run businesses around the world. It provides both a broadly global and a comprehensively detailed foundation for guiding future research, policy decision making and the design of initiatives and programs that can enhance awareness about women entrepreneurship. As such, this report brings a greater understanding of women's entrepreneurship to a diverse audience of researchers, policy makers, educators and practitioners. The ultimate aim is to foster an environment that encourage women to see entrepreneurship as a viable career option and to equip them with the tools to create the type and quality of businesses they wish to build, as well as create broader awareness among stakeholders that will support their efforts. (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku). |
Erfasst von | Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg |
Update | 2015/4 |