Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige
Autor/in | Didham, Robert James |
Titel | Capacity for the Implementation of Education for Sustainable Consumption in Northeast Asia. Strengthening Governmental Strategies to Promote Responsible Consumer Behaviour. Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Kapazität für die Implementierung der Bildung im Hinblick auf nachhaltigen Konsum in Nordostasien. Stärkung der Regierungsstrategien zur Förderung eines verantwortlichen Konsumverhaltens. |
Quelle | Aus: Schrader, Ulf (Hrsg.); Fricke, Vera (Hrsg.); Thoresen, Victoria (Hrsg.); Doyle, Declan (Hrsg.): Enabling responsible living. Heidelberg: Springer (2013) S. 97-117
PDF als Volltext |
Sprache | deutsch |
Dokumenttyp | online; gedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag |
ISBN | 978-3-642-22047-0 |
DOI | 10.1007/978-3-642-22048-7_8 |
Schlagwörter | Bildung; Institutionalisierung; Entwicklungsland; Nachhaltigkeit; Regierung; Konsum; Konsumverhalten; Priorität; Rahmenbedingung; Strategie; Verantwortungsbewusstsein; Asien; China; Japan; Ostasien |
Abstract | "National policy for Education for Sustainable Consumption (ESC) is a powerful instrument to influence sustainable consumption (SC) behaviour at individual and organisational levels. Despite diverse policy dialogues and initiatives on sustainable consumption and production (SCP), there is a lack of knowledge on how to influence behaviours towards SC. This chapter will address how to improve the capacity of governments in implementing effective ESC. The research was conducted through primary interviews with relevant government officers, survey/questionnaires, and analysis of policy documents in P.R. China, Japan and Republic of Korea. The findings identify key aspects of current governmental context for promoting SC. The three country cases are analysed in a comparative capacity assessment based on the four levers of change identified in UNDP's capacity development framework: (1) institutional arrangements, (2) leadership, (3) knowledge, and (4) accountability. The recommendations aim to strengthen policy and institutional frameworks for ESC and to link with wider policies for SCP and education for sustainable development (ESD). The primary recommendations address: (1) expanding roles and responsibilities for ESC beyond national governments, (2) applying multiple policy mechanisms and inter-ministerial/agency approaches, (3) defining policy priorities and target areas for SC, (4) improving accountability as a means to strengthen the overall system, and (5) addressing ESC as a thematic approach to ESD and SCP." (publisher's description). |
Erfasst von | GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim |
Update | 2015/1 |