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Sonst. PersonenPashler, Harold E. (Hrsg.)
TitelEncyclopedia of the mind. 1. [A - I].
QuelleLos Angeles, Calif. u.a.: Sage Publ. (2013), XXXI, 439 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheSage reference
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN1-412-95057-0; 978-1-412-95057-2
SchlagwörterMethodologie; Aufmerksamkeit; Begriffsbildung; Bewusstsein; Denken; Emotion; Entscheidung; Entwicklungspsychologie; Erinnerung; Gruppenpsychologie; Handlung; Intelligenz (Psy); Kognitionspsychologie; Kommunikation; Persönlichkeitsentwicklung; Psychologie; Sozialpsychologie; Wahrnehmung; Wahrnehmungspsychologie; Lernen; Soziales Verhalten; Genetik; Argumentation; Linguistik; Psycholinguistik; Sprache; Krankheitsbild; Erkenntnistheorie; Ethik; Metaphysik; Moral; Verstand; Geist; Bewegung (Motorische); Philosophie; Neuropsychologie; Handbuch; Kontrolle; Nachschlagewerk; Wörterbuch
AbstractThe encyclopedia covers topics and perspectives from all the major contemporary disciplines concerned with the study of the mind. [...] The coverage of psychology in the encyclopedia includes not only cognitive psychology but also other major areas such as social psychology, developmental psychology, cognitive neuropsychology (the study of how brain damages affects cognitive processes), and the psychology of perception. The psychology of language (including psycholinguistics) and the field of linguistics, insofar as it bears on the mind generally, are also well represented. Philosophy continues to play a pivotal role in this encyclopedia, reflecting the [...] scholarship taking place in the philosophy of mind and meta-physics, with entries on topics such as the mind-body problem, personal identity, and the relationship between human action and underlying physical states. A unique feature of the encyclopedia is its coverage of computational perspectives on the mind. [...] The encyclopedia contains 293 entries that fall under the following broad topics: Action and Motor Control, Attention, Concepts and Categories, Consciousness, Decision Making, Disorders and Pathology, Emotion, Epistemology, Genetics, Groups, Intelligence, Language and Communication, Learning, Memory, Metaphysics, Methodology, Mind/Body Problem, Morality/Ethics, Perception, Personality, The Social Mind and Thinking and Reasoning. Under each of these broad topics, there are a number of general approaches that recur, including Computational Perspectives, Cultural Perspectives, Development, Evolutionary Perspectives, Neural Basis, Philosophical Perspectives, Practical Applications, and Philosophical Research. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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