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Autor/inn/enReid, Robert; Lienemann, Torri Ortiz; Hagaman, Jessica L.
TitelStrategy instruction for students with learning disabilities.
Second edition.
QuelleNew York: Guilford Press (2013), XI, 308 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheWhat works for special-needs learners
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-1-4625-1198-3; 978-1-4625-1220-1
SchlagwörterSchüler; Lernbehinderung; Didaktik
Abstract"Practical and accessible, this book provides the first step-by-step guide to cognitive strategy instruction, which has been shown to be one of the most effective instructional techniques for students with learning problems. Presented are proven strategies that students can use to improve their self-regulated learning, study skills, and performance in specific content areas, including written language, reading, and math. Clear directions for teaching the strategies in the elementary or secondary classroom are accompanied by sample lesson plans and many concrete examples. Enhancing the book's hands-on utility are more than 20 reproducible worksheets and forms." -- Provided by publisher. Machine generated contents note: 1. Why Use Strategy Instruction? - 2. Building Background Knowledge - 3. The Self-Regulated Strategy Development Model - 4. How to Implement the SRSD Model - 5. Self-Regulation Strategies - 6. Implementing Self-Regulation Strategies -- 7. Integrating Strategies and Self-Regulation - 8. Creating Lesson Plans Using the SRSD Model - 9. Strategies for Handwriting and Spelling - 10. Strategies for Written Language - 11. Strategies in Reading Comprehension - 12. Strategies in Mathematics - 13. Study Skills Strategies - 14. Mnemonics.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg
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