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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enTummons, Jonathan; Orr, Kevin; Atkins, Liz
TitelTeaching higher education courses in the FE and skills sector.
1. publ.
QuelleLos Angeles u.a.: SAGE (2013), VIII, 120 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheAchieving QTLS
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN1-446-26747-4; 978-1-446-26747-9
SchlagwörterCollege; Unterrichtsplanung; Hochschulbildung; Weiterbildung; Bewertung; Praxis; Qualitätssicherung; Großbritannien
AbstractAs the number of higher education (HE) courses offered in further education (FE) settings increases, so does the need for teachers and trainee teachers to develop their teaching skills. This text is written for all teachers and trainee teachers in FE. It considers what it means to teach HE in FE and how an HE environment can be created in an FE setting. The text covers day-to-day aspects of teaching including planning and assessment, giving guidance on the unique needs of HE students. Chapters on research and quality assurance support the reader in developing some advanced teaching skills. This is a practical guide for FE teachers and trainee teachers as the sector adapts to the needs of education today. Contents: College-based higher education and widening participation; The HE Ethos - Creating a University Within a College; College-based Higher Education: The Students; Planning and Preparing for Teaching HE in FE; The Practice of Teaching College-based Higher Education; Assessing Learning in HE in FE; Research and Scholarship in HE in FE; Managing HE in FE; Quality Assurance in College-based Higher Education (Verlag).
Erfasst vonDeutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung - Leibniz-Zentrum für Lebenslanges Lernen, Bonn
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