Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige
Autor/inn/en | Seifried, Jürgen; Wuttke, Eveline; Kayser, Hans; Steinritz, Gaby; Ziegler, Birgit; Heinrichs, Karin; Boldrini, Elena; Bausch, Luca; Elffers, Louise; Dilger, Bernadette; Lilienthal, Jonas; Schmitz, Sarah; Fasching, Helga; Lamamra, Nadia; Jordan, Marine; Duc, Barbara; Beutner, Marc; Kremer, H.-Hugo; Zoyke, Andrea; Navas, Almudena; Marhuenda, Fernando; Cordoba, Ana I.; Linares, Lucia; Zacares, Juan Jose; Sappa, Viviana; Apera, Carmela; Bonica, Laura; Bustino, Susanna; Russello, Elisa; Alves, Mariana Gaio; Wyss, Corinne; Billett, Stephen; Searle, Jean; Bimrose, Jenny; Brown, Alan; Gegenfurtner, Andreas |
Sonst. Personen | Seifried, Jürgen (Hrsg.); Wuttke, Eveline (Hrsg.) |
Titel | Transitions in vocational education. Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Übergänge in Berufsausbildung. |
Quelle | Opladen: Budrich, Barbara (2013), 330 S. |
Reihe | Research in vocational education. 02 |
Zusatzinformation | Inhaltsverzeichnis |
Sprache | englisch |
Dokumenttyp | gedruckt; Monographie |
ISBN | 978-3-8474-0017-2 |
Schlagwörter | Sozialer Faktor; Schullaufbahn; Sekundarbereich; Lehrer; Übergang Schule - Beruf; Berufsausbildung; Berufliche Integration; Berufsbildungssystem; Beschäftigungsfähigkeit; Übergang Ausbildung - Beruf; Berufsberatung; Berufsvorbereitung; Berufswahl; Sozialer Betrieb; Hochschulbildung; Hochschulabsolvent; Institution; Geistig behinderter Mensch; Jugendlicher; Junger Erwachsener; Lernbehinderter; Schulabgänger; Australien; Italien; Niederlande; Portugal; Schweiz; Spanien; Österreich |
Abstract | This volume focuses on the different passages and transitions in Vocational Education and professional work life. Exploring the personal experiences of coping with the transition from school to vocational education, vocational education to work, and - finally - from work life to retirement, the book takes account of the rapidly changing conditions under which these processes take place. (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) . Contents: Jürgen Seifried, Eveline Wuttke: Foreword: Transitions in Vocational Education (11-17); Hans Kayser, Gaby Steinritz, Birgit Ziegler: Assessing Occupational Aspirations for Vocational Counselling (19-35); Karin Heinrichs, Eveline Wuttke: Occupational Exploration in German Secondary Schools: What it is, How Schools Foster it, and How Students Perceive this Support (37-55); Elena Boldrini, Luca Bausch: Motivations and Difficulties in Transition from the Lower-Secondary Level to the VET Programmes in Switzerland (57-74); Louise Elffers: The Formation and Realization of Educational Expectations Across the Transition to Senior Vocational Education in the Netherlands (75-87); Bernadette Dilger, Jonas Lilienthal, Sarah Schmitz: Students' Self-determination in the Transition from School to Vocational Education (89-104); Helga Fasching: The Educational Situation and Transition Process to Work of School Leavers (105-122); Nadia Lamamra, Marine Jordan, Barbara Duc: The Factors Facilitating School-to-Work Transition: The Role of Social Ties. A Longitudinal Qualitative Perspective (123-142); Marc Beutner, H.-Hugo Kremer, Andrea Zoyke: Exploring Personalized Learning in the Context of the Transition System (143-162); Almudena Navas, Fernando Marhuenda: Transitions from Exclusion to Work Integration Social Enterprises and into the Labour Market (163-183); Ana I. Cördoba, Lucia Llinares, Juan Jose Zacares: Employability Assessment in Vocational Education and Transition to the Workplace (185-204); Viviana Sappa, Carmela Aprea, Laura Bonica, Susanna Bustino, Elisa Russello: Perceived Continuity and Discontinuity in the Transition from School to Work: The Voice of a Group of Italian Young Adults (205-221); Mariana Gaio Alves: Higher Education and Work -- Transitions framed by time and space (223-242); Corinne Wyss: Job Entry Phase in the Teaching Profession -- Theoretical and Empirical Considerations with Special Regard to the Concept of Reflection (243-261); Stephen Billett, Jean Searle: Mature Age Students' Successful Transition into Higher Education: Factors and Interdependencies (263-282); Jenny Bimrose, Alan Brown: Navigating the Labour Market: Transitioning Styles of Adults Receiving Career Guidance (283-307); Andreas Gegenfurtner: Transitions of Expertise (309-323)." |
Erfasst von | Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg |
Update | 2014/1 |