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Autor/inBowen, William G.
TitelHigher Education in the Digital Age.
QuellePrinceton: Princeton University Press (2013), xvii, 172 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulbildung; USA
AbstractContents: Cover; Title; Copyright; Dedication; CONTENTS; PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; CONTRIBUTORS; Part 1. Costs and Productivity in Higher Education; Cost Trends, the "Cost Disease," and Productivity in Higher Education; Factors Other Than the Cost Disease Pushing Up Educational Costs; Affordability; Is There a Serious Problem-Even a Crisis?; Notes; Part 2. Prospects for an Online Fix; Background; The Lack of Hard Evidence; The Need for Customizable, Sustainable Platforms (or Tool Kits); The Need for New Mindsets-and Fresh Thinking about Decision-Making; What Must We Retain? Inhalt: Appendix: The Online Learning LandscapeNotes; Discussion by Howard Gardner; Discussion by John Hennessy; William G. Bowen's Responses to Discussion Session Comments; Discussion by Andrew Delbanco; Discussion by Daphne Koller; William G. Bowen's Responses to Discussion Session Comments; INDEX.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg
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