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Autor/inElster, Doris
Titel'Inquire for students' - How to promote inquiry based learning?
QuelleAus: International Conference New perspectives in science education. 2nd Edition. Florence, Italy, 14 - 15 March 2013. Conference prodeedings. (2013) [4] S.
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Beigabengrafische Darstellungen
Dokumenttyponline; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterBildungsforschung; Community; Lehrerausbildung; Außerschulischer Lernort; Lernortkooperation; Biologieunterricht; Biodiversität; Klimawandel; Kurs; Botanischer Garten; Wissenschaftszentrum; Bremen; Bremerhaven; Deutschland
AbstractINQUIRE (Inquiry based teacher training for a sustainable future) is an EU FP7 project that supports the development of science literacy and inquire based science education (IBSE) in Europe. 14 partners from different learning-out-of school environments coming from 11 countries are participating in the project coordinated by the university of Innsbruck in Austria. INQUIRE focuses on the implementation of IBSE in formal and informal settings by developing, testing and running IBSE training courses about the subject content biodiversity loss and climate change. Botanic Gardens and Science Centres support teachers and educators to develop their proficiency in IBSE by offering activities based outside the classroom in highly motivating surroundings. In Germany, the University of Bremen Department of Biology Education is working together with the Botanic Garden in Bremen and the Science Centre 'Climate House' in Bremerhaven. The goal is the development of a 60-hours training course linking formal and informal learning. The 'INQUIRE for Students Training Course' is part of the pre-service teacher training programme for ongoing biology teachers. In the course teacher students, active teachers, botanic garden educators, scientists and science educators are building a community of practice to learn from each other and to develop a shared understanding of how IBSE can be facilitated in the school classroom and in the biological garden. The content of the developed IBSE activities are closely connected to the curriculum in the fields of 'climate and ice', 'plants and climate', 'biodiversity global' and 'biodiversity loss and climate change'. The main aim is to promote a model of the learner as an autonomous and independent thinker who is capable of dealing successfully with different aspects of science. The evaluation of the training course is conducted using qualitative and quantitative methods. Reflection is encouraged from teacher students, teachers, botanic garden educators and teacher trainers who also take into account their pupil's learning. Experiences with the innovative IBSE activities and evaluation results will be discussed at the conference. (Orig.).
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