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Autor/inn/enFelfe, Christina; Lalive, Rafael
TitelEarly child care and child development.
For whom it works and why. First version: October 2009, This version: December 2012.
QuelleBerlin: DIW (2013), 45 S.
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ReiheSOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research. 536
Beigabengrafische Darstellungen
Dokumenttyponline; Monographie; Graue Literatur
SchlagwörterSchätzung; Kognitive Kompetenz; Persönlichkeitsentwicklung; Mutter; Bildungsertrag; Kind; Kinderbetreuung; Kindergarten; Kindertagesstätte; Frühpädagogik; Sozioökonomischer Faktor; Auswirkung; Qualifikationsentwicklung; Wirkungsanalyse; Deutschland
AbstractMany countries are currently expanding access to child care for young children. But are all children equally likely to benefit from such expansions? We address this question by adopting a marginal treatment effects framework. We study the West German setting where high quality center-based care is severely rationed and use within state differences in child care supply as exogenous variation in child care attendance. Data from the German Socio-Economic Panel provides comprehensive information on child development measures along with detailed information on child care, mother-child interactions, and maternal labor supply. Results indicate strong differences in the effects of child care with respect to observed characteristics (children's age, birth weight and socio-economic background), but less so with respect to unobserved determinants of selection into child care. Underlying mechanisms are a substitution of maternal care with center-based care, an increase in average quality of maternal care, and an increase in maternal earnings.
Erfasst vonZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft, Kiel
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