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Autor/inn/enLopez Zafra, Esther; Garcia-Retamero, Rocio
TitelThe impact of nontraditionalism on the malleability of gender stereotypes in Spain and Germany.
QuelleIn: International journal of psychology, 46 (2011) 4, S. 249-258Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN0020-7594; 1464-066X
SchlagwörterStereotyp; Geschlechterrolle; Geschlechtsspezifischer Unterschied; Interkulturelle Differenz; Sozialer Einfluss
AbstractGender stereotypes and inequalities are based on and sustained by people's perception of gender roles. The evolution of these gender roles, however, might be substantially different depending on cultural and social evolution in different countries. The present study examined the stereotypes in Germany and Spain, where residents might have different beliefs about gender roles due to their different social evolution after the Second World War and their economic and social advances. Results showed that in both countries people's expectations of differences in masculine characteristics between men and women were less noticeable than perceptions in the past or present. Findings also demonstrated that people perceive an increase in masculinity in women. This increase is more evident in Spaniards than in Germans. In estimations about the past, present, and future, Spaniards also perceived an increase of gender-stereotypic feminine characteristics more in men than in women. These results are consistent with the predictions of social role theory, as gender stereotypes can include dynamic aspects and the content of these stereotypes is rooted in social roles. (ZPID).
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Psychologie, Trier
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