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Autor/inn/enZaborowski, Katrin U.; Breidenstein, Georg
TitelDisciplinary technologies and pupil redisposition: school equipment and homework diaries.
QuelleIn: Ethnography and education, 6 (2011) 2, S. 147-160Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1745-7823; 1745-7831
SchlagwörterBildung; Bildungsforschung; Feldforschung; Tagebuch; Schule; Schüler; Hausaufgabe; Unterrichtsvorbereitung; Arbeitsmaterial; Unterricht
AbstractThis paper explores disciplinary technologies and pupil redisposition through school and teacher focus on school equipment and homework diaries. During [the] field research in two contrasting secondary schools, [the authors] experienced the importance of missing school equipment to teacher and school control. They also concluded that forgotten or missing school equipment affects the quality of instruction. Furthermore, school supplies represent, together with homework and the homework diary, a vital connection between the school and the children's home in which a student's preparedness for learning becomes a negotiation of the division of responsibility between school and family. (Verlag).
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